Aniya Rahman

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Star Power

Star Power

Being a Girl on the Run is so much fun

Because we learn and dream and live and run

When I am having a bad day, I look up and say,

“My star power is covered. There are clouds in the way!”

What do I do when I’m stressed or worried?

I look to my friends and think about our journey.

We have learned how to use positive self-talk about our self and others

And how to maintain balance in our lives and embrace our culture.

It’s okay to be excited or gloomy or mad.

I stop and take a BrThRR before I react.

Empathy and communication are important in friendships

Because the possibilities of success from cooperation are endless.

Our community is strong and illuminating in color

I am so filled with gratitude that I could “Holla!”

Our star power can always be activated by following our dreams

Because we are Girls on the Run and we are proud of our team.
